Texas Chainsaw Massacre t-shirts
At the time of its release, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was the most successful independent horror movie ever made. It has since found a cult following, and the movie's sadistic chainsaw-wielding villain, Leatherface, has become an icon across the horror genre. Below, we present a Texas Chainsaw Massacre t-shirt gallery. Quench your bloodthirsty appetite for horror with a Sally Hardesty Leatherface t-shirt or buy one of the movie poster art Texas Chainsaw Massacre t-shirts. Browse the gallery for more merchandise like Leatherface masks and Texas Chainsaw Massacre costumes. Pair them with a Leatherface prop chainsaw for a horrific look that will frighten your friends out of their skin.
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Texas Chainsaw Massacre Monologue t-shirt
Description: The front of this tee features the beginning of the movie's opening monologue accompanied by a silhouette image of Sally Hardesty's terror-filled face. The words "The", "tragedy", "befell", and "Sally Hardesty" are printed in red to emphasize the killer's favorite piece of meat. This Texas Chainsaw Massacre tee is an appealing tribute to the horrifying tone of the movie that is set in the very beginning by the opening monologue. Link to: Texas Chainsaw Massacre Monologue

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Leatherface tee
Description: Show your support for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre with this Leatherface black and white portrait design. The fronts of these Texas Chainsaw Massacre Leatherface t-shirts feature the butcher holding his chainsaw in a black and white image on the black apparel background. The tee is perfect for having a gore-themed dinner party and watching Leatherface movies on your big screen TV. Wear this with your Texas Chainsaw Massacre mask for a complete Leatherface costume. Link to: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Leatherface

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Poster tee
Description: This bestselling Texas Chainsaw Massacre t-shirt displays the movie poster art, which includes an image of Leatherface (Gunnar Hansen) holding his chainsaw in front of him, along with the tagline, "Who will survive and what will be left of them?" The image conjures up memories of the final scene in the movie, when Leatherface raises the saw above his head after Sally Hardesty escapes in the back of a pickup truck. The image's distorted facial features reveal the Leatherface mask of human skin that is worn by the character. Link to: Texas Chainsaw Massacre Poster

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Free Hugs tee
Description: The front of this Free Hugs Leatherface t-shirt displays a silhouette of the horror icon with the phrase "free hugs" underneath. The image on the T shows a rendition of actor Gunnar Hansen, decked out in his Texas Chainsaw Massacre costume that includes unkempt hair and a mask of human flesh. Recreate the movie's scenes with Leatherface toys and Texas Chainsaw Massacre action figures. Link to: Texas Chainsaw Massacre Free Hugs

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Eyes tee
Description: The fronts of these Texas Chainsaw Massacre t-shirts feature the eyes of Sally Hardesty as she watches the horror caused by Leatherface and his saw. Wear it so that everyone knows that you're ready to outrun and outlive the psychotic chainsaw wielding killer Leatherface. He's the guy who makes his own friends out of pieces of yours. The merchandise item on the left is perfect to wear underneath Texas Chainsaw Massacre costumes and similar dark sweatshirts. Link to: Texas Chainsaw Massacre Eyes

Chainsaw Sunrise t-shirt
Description: Hailing from Travis County, Texas, this Chainsaw Sunrise tee features Leatherface with the sun rising behind him. The front of this Texas Chainsaw Massacre tee displays a watercolor style design. The whole gang learned their cannibalistic ways from the "sheriff", a man who turned his family, including Leatherface, on to the taste of human flesh after having to survive on it as a prisoner during the Korean War. Wear this TCM shirt as part of your Leatherface costume to show your support for the family who now runs the county, after having killed the local sheriff. Add Texas Chainsaw Massacre masks below to complete the look. Link to: Chainsaw Sunrise

Leatherface Samurai Massacre tee
Description: The ukiyo-e inspired design on the front of this Texas Chainsaw Massacre t-shirt displays the human skin face wearing character of Bubba Sawyer Jr. from the TCM movies. The horrific Leatherface mask was stitched together from the skin of the killer's victims, who are usually captured after they stop at a gas station run by the cannibalistic Sawyer family. This includes Bubba's brother, Drayton "Cook" Sawyer. Link to: Leatherface Samurai Massacre

Massacre t-shirt
Description: This Leatherface t-shirt features the horror villain massacring some fresh meat and bones. Wear it as you watch the original movie or any of the sequels, including The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning. The design on the front celebrates his skill with a chainsaw. You should see his ice sculptures that he makes from frozen blood. Wear this Bubba Sawyer tee with your Texas Chainsaw Massacre costume or TCM hat. Link to: Massacre

Texas Cannibal tee
Description: Let everybody know that you are a member of Bubba Sawyer Jr.'s (Leatherface) family. The design on the fronts of these Texas Chainsaw Massacre t-shirts feature the villain wearing his sewn together mask of human skin. Put this shirt on and tell your friends about your crazy cannibalistic family, or wear it to the Last Chance Gas Station run by Bubba's brother Drayton. Tell them about your brothers The Hitchhiker, Chop Top, and Drayton. Collect movie characters in the form of Texas Chainsaw Massacre toys. Link to: Texas Cannibal

Sally and Bubba tee
Description: The Calvin and Hobbes cartoon style design on these Leatherface t-shirts displays the mad character wielding a bloody chainsaw walking behind Sally Hardesty. His face is covered in a mask of human skin. The killer's bloodshot eyes are hidden within the dark circles created by his mask of human flesh. Running after his next victim, the movie character has his mouth open as he lifts his weapon into the air. His tan apron has a fresh bloodstain on it and his tie is slung over his shoulder as he runs. His outfit is a sign that he takes his work seriously. Link to: Sally and Bubba

Texas Chainsaw Tree Removal tee
Description: This unique Texas Chainsaw Massacre t-shirt features a logo for the Texas Chainsaw Tree Removal Company. Bubba Sawyer can be seen in the logo wearing his Leatherface mask. This print is available on numerous tee colors in both men's and women's styles. Also look for this design on Texas Chainsaw Massacre sweatshirt hoodies. Wrap this tee with Leatherface toys and action figures for the perfect TCM gift. Link to: Texas Chainsaw Tree Removal

Don't Mess With Texas t-shirt
Description: This Don't Mess With Texas Leatherface t-shirt displays a silhouette of the maniac next to the phrase, "Don't mess with Texas." Wear the design to watch classic installments from the series, including the movie The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning. Leatherface might let you live if he encounters you in this piece of apparel. He is holding a chainsaw in his hands and a mask of human skin covers his face. Link to: Don't Mess With Texas

Leatherface Costumes, Masks and Props
Description: There are a ton of scary Halloween options to choose from nowadays but this Texas Chainsaw Massacre costume has to make the list at least once in your lifetime. This is a horror movie classic that everyone can appreciate. Here you'll find Leatherface masks, costumes and chainsaws that will scare the heck out of anyone you come across. Rev those chainsaws up and get to scaring! Link to: Leatherface Costumes, Masks and Props